Jan 24, 2009

STOP! Oscar Time!

All right, time to pull my lazy ass off the couch and see some movies! I always get up for Oscar season, and the nominees were announced this week. 26 films nominated this year. I've seen 9.

You can read my full reviews for here for The Dark Knight, Iron Man, and Wall-E.

Reviews for The Duchess, In Bruges, Hellboy II, Kung-Fu Panda, The Visitor and Tropic Thunder will be posted in the following months, as well as the above three after I re-watch them to better judge their nominated catagories.

I've got Wanted on dvd for this weekend, and Vicky Christina Barcelona, Frozen River, and Changeling all hit DVD before Oscar night (Feb 22).

So... I gotta find away to catch the 5 Best Picture noms in theaters, of which Slumdog Millionaire, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The Reader and Frost/Nixon are playing nearby. I'll have to do some driving to see Milk or 5 times nominated Doubt. It'll take a miracle for me to see more. And why waste a miracle on seeing movies? Save those for landing planes on rivers or beating the Russians in hockey.

So check back often, then bask in the shadow of my brain as I pick all the correct winners on Feb 22. Mwa HA HAHAHAHAHAHA!

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